Whitehall Collies



Collie Puppies Available Mid-January 2025

Whitehall Collies is expecting!

If you would like to join our waitlist, to be contacted

when the blessed event occurs,

please use our Contact Page to let us know!

Collie adults or older puppies available

Whitehall Collies occasionally places adult Collies or older Collie puppies, which will appear on this page.



Long Distance Puppy Transport Options

There are several good options for transporting your Whitehall Collie to you,
should you live such a distance from Atlanta that driving yourself is not feasible. If using air or pet transport services, be aware that we need to get a health certificate for the puppy for commercial travel, issued by our veterinarian, within 10 days of travel.
International transport to Canada involves cross border procedures, customs, and a special international travel health certificate.
Contact us for more details.

1. Air Transport: Delta Airlines

Prior to Covid, Delta Airlines provided a great air freight option for transporting puppies, and we had excellent results with them.
They suspended animal shipping in 2020 and have not resumed the service as of now. They do still allow in-cabin transport of pets.
The puppy must be small enough to fit in an underseat carrier - which limits us to 9 weeks of age for fast-growing Collie puppies. You can fly in to ATL on Delta Comfort+ class and take your puppy on your return flight with you in a carrier.

2. Air Transport: Alaska Airlines


Alaska Airlines has an excellent and very affordable option for flying a pet. If you are located near a city where Alaska conducts nonstop flights to ATL, you can buy a roundtrip ticket, pick up your puppy, and fly the puppy home in cargo as excess baggage for $100. Check with the airline for availability of suitable (baggage pressurized) aircraft and nonstop flight schedules.

3. Flight Nanny


I offer my own “flight nanny” service if needed using Delta Comfort+ or Alaska Airlines from ATL, and our puppy carrier. You would need to meet me at your airport with a crate to take your puppy home if we have flown in-cabin; if we use Alaska the puppy will already be housed in a crate. Cost is $850 plus expenses. If the flight is 4 hrs or longer I would need to be reimbursed for an overnight stay at a hotel with shuttle service back to the airport.
There are other Flight Nanny services offered online. Make sure they have good reviews and a reputable track record before hiring.

4. Ground Transport


We work with a reputable Ground Pet Transport service, and have used this option with great success.
Currently the cost is .50 – .75 per mile, although this is subject to change. They supply the crate and deliver to your door!

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